French Standard NF P 99-611
French Standard NF P 99-611 Sanitary Facilities for Disabled is equivalent to GB standards M (2010) and BS 8300:2001. For further informations, please refer to: www.planningportal.gov.uk
Public areas with access for disabled and specially for wheelchair using persons must be provided with adapted entrances, barrier-free space to move inside and accessible exits. All facilities offered must be accessible without restriction. Dispositions for the operating of entrance doors must be installed in 1.10 – 1.30 m height from the floor.
For wheel-chair users, the following dimensions must be considered :
- 1.25 m length (incl. footrest)
- 0.75 m width (incl. space for arms and ellbows)
NB : these accessible zones may also be used by persons pushing a buggy or a luggage trolly, etc.
For disabled persons accessible public zones must have at least one sanitary space according to these standards – as well as the ways leading to these (P98-350 in France).
In case of security or environmental restrictions (to be attested) a less spacious sanitary equipment may be approved, but only if nearby access to a barrier-free toilet is given, with the same facilities of use and opening hours.
The standards of accessibility are determined by the extreme case, i.e. the needs of a wheelchair user – therfore, accessibility for ambulant persons is granted in any case. Per existing lavatory there must be one barrier-free toilet facility at disposal. For institutions with more toilet spaces, the following rules apply :
Ladies or Gents toilets :
- 2 to 10 WC's : 1 WC barrier-free
- 11 and more : 1 barrier-free WC per 10
The barrier-free WC's are not to be considered as additional facilities. They must be included into the global number of lavatories, as the access is not exclusively reserved for disabled and they might be used by all public.

WC-Seat / barrier-free
The central axle of the toilet seat must be in a height of 0.50m from the floor and a distance of 0.4m to the wall. The standard seat height is 0.47m +/- 0.010m. For not barrier-free toilet seats the height is 0.39m +/- 0.010m.
Grab rails
For an optimal quality of use and more security the installation of grab rails is highly recommended. (0.75m height from floor).
- hooks,
- dispensers for paper, soap, sanitary bags, etc,
- orifices of wastebins,
- handdryers
must be installed in a height of 0.40 to 1.30m from floor.
The lower border of the mirror must not be higher than 1.05m.
A simple sanitary block is composed of :
- several complete and connectable sanitary modules,
- either commun modules or « Ladies » modules or « Gents » modules,
- separation panels
- if separated spaces : at least one handwashbasin and handdryer
A complete sanitary and connectable block is composed of :
- one simple block,
- at least one mirror,
- at least one soap dispenser
NB : not to install any boards for personal effects is justified by the risk of abuse (persons may rest on).
Functional specifications
The basic standards requested considering the current environmental conditions and needs for maintenance are specified as follows (NF P 99-650).
Width for access
In public zones providing an access to sanitary spaces this access must be a min. of 1.40m depth with a door of 0.90m width. The toilet doors must be at least 0.80m large.
When arranged in a row, the toilet cabins shall have their openings into a corridor with a min. width of 1.40m. Access doors from outside to this corridor shall be at least 0.90m large.
For security reasons, the toiletcabin doors shall open from the inside to the outside and can be locked from inside. For reasons of rescue, the lock can be opened from outside by using a special key.
Floor space - usable space – barrier-free space
A barrier-free lavatory must show a 1.40m x 1.80m minimum floor space.
This is considering the space needed by the equipment installed in a 1.30m distance from the back wall.